
I take great pride in my teaching. I truly believe teaching and research are synergistic activities in the dissemination and creation of knowledge. Here are some of the courses I teach:

  1. Bullet Engineering Analysis 2 (undergraduate): Syllabus


        Overall instructor rating:              4.54/6.00

        Overall course rating:                  4.21/6.00

        Level of intellectual challenge:    4.69/6.00

  1. BulletComputational Inelasticity (graduate): Syllabus

        Overall instructor rating:              5.43/6.00

        Overall course rating:                  5.14/6.00

        Level of intellectual challenge:    5.71/6.00

Honors & Awards

  1. BulletO. C. Zienkiewicz young investigator medal 2007. Awarded biennially by ICE for best paper in finite elements (see the paper)

  2. BulletSearle Center for Teaching Excellence Fellow, 2007-2008

  3. BulletASCE New Face in Civil Engineering (see press release here)

  4. Bullet Shaw Family Graduate Fellowship, Stanford, 03-04

  5. BulletJohn A. Blume Graduate Fellowship, Stanford, 01-03

  6. BulletFlorida Institute of Technology Distinguished Scholar, 02

  7. BulletOutstanding senior, junior and sophomore of the year, Florida Tech, 99-01

  8. Bullet All American Scholar, 00, 04

  9. Bullet Tau Beta Pi, National Engineering Honor Society

  10. Bullet Chi Epsilon, Civil Engineering Honor Society

Professor Andrade


B.S., Florida Institute of Technology, Civil Engineering

M.S., Stanford University, Civil Engineering: Geomechanics

Ph.D., Stanford University, Civil Engineering: Geomechanics

Download Dissertation Here

Contact Info

Jose E. Andrade

Assistant Professor

Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering

McCormick Tech. Institute A124

Northwestern University

Evanston, IL 60208

Phone: (847) 491-5884

Fax: (847) 491-4011

E-mail us @


Curriculum Vitae

Copyright © 2007 by Jose E. Andrade

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