I take great pride in my teaching. I truly believe teaching and research are synergistic activities in the dissemination and creation of knowledge. Here are some of the courses I teach:
Engineering Analysis 2 (undergraduate): Syllabus
Overall instructor rating: 4.54/6.00
Overall course rating: 4.21/6.00
Level of intellectual challenge: 4.69/6.00
Computational Inelasticity (graduate): Syllabus
Overall instructor rating: 5.43/6.00
Overall course rating: 5.14/6.00
Level of intellectual challenge: 5.71/6.00
Honors & Awards
O. C. Zienkiewicz young investigator medal 2007. Awarded biennially by ICE for best paper in finite elements (see the paper)
Searle Center for Teaching Excellence Fellow, 2007-2008
ASCE New Face in Civil Engineering (see press release here)
Shaw Family Graduate Fellowship, Stanford, 03-04
John A. Blume Graduate Fellowship, Stanford, 01-03
Florida Institute of Technology Distinguished Scholar, 02
Outstanding senior, junior and sophomore of the year, Florida Tech, 99-01
All American Scholar, 00, 04
Tau Beta Pi, National Engineering Honor Society
Chi Epsilon, Civil Engineering Honor Society